Welcome to this Internet TV version of Scarboro Mission's Mission Education Centre.
Scarboro Missions is committed to informing Canadian Catholics about issues in mission, what missioners are saying and doing in light of new
developments in the world and how we can respond to the new directions in which the Spirit of God leads us. We also want to keep Canadian Catholics
informed about our own missioners, where they are working, what they are
doing, the challenges they face and how you can be supportive partners for
The Mission Education Centre is the best way to plug into all this. Students
and teachers can visit www.scarboromissions.ca/Mission_education to
see the vast area of topics covered -- along with a huge array of learning
Everyone is encouraged to book a day of retreat with the Centre to get a closer look at all this. Here are a couple of reasons why:

Scarboro Missions has sponsored a workshop to train world religion teachers.
Currently in North America, there are no organizations, schools or
university programs for teacher training in this field. In the Fall of 2000,
Scarboro Missions collaborated with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic school Board
in sponsoring two training days for world religions teachers. Teachers spent
the day working in small groups with representatives of various faiths.
Scarboro Missions has also consulted with religious department heads in various boards on the subject of world religions and interfaith.

In recent years, Scarboro Missions has been facilitating world religion retreat days for high school students. The retreat day includes participation of four to six members of various world faiths. Experience has shown that their participation makes the day a powerfully effective learning experience. One of the many goals of the retreat day is to enable the students to get a taste of the spirituality and culture of the various religions. An ideal group size is 40 to 60 students.

Adult and lifelong learners will also find a number of themed retreats (women's spirituality, addictions, meditation) to book into, along with a variety of guest lectures featuring the latest thinking in interfaith, social justice and ecology, to name a few.
But first, everyone is invited to view the videos on this site (along with additional videos featured on the Scarboro Missions TV YouTube Channel
navigated to through this site-see the home page YouTube link) to take in the overview of Scarboro's mission teaching initiatives, along with the
faculty of priests, lay men and women who offer their insights and
experiences to the learning public.
Here are some of the faculty members you will meet through the Scarboro
Missions educational TV videos on this site.
Scarboro Missions governing council:
Fr. Brian Swords sfm
Fr. Ron McDonnell sfm
Fr. John Carten sfm
Scarboro Missions' former overseas missionaries:
Fr. Jack Lynch sfm
Fr. Mike Traher sfm
Fr. Roger Brennan sfm
Fr. Dave Warren sfm
Scarboro Missions' Interfaith Department
Sr. Lucy Thorsen nds
Paul McKenna
Scarboro Missions' Education Centre
Kathy Murtha
Katie Flaherty
Karen Van Loon
Deacon Shawn Daley sfm