The I-Choice: Staying Human in a Digital Age Click Here
Fr. Denis Lemieux. Justin Press. 2013.
Study Guide
The goal of Program One is to introduce students to the past and present day realities of Madonna House Apostolate as a community of
men, women, and priests.
1. Show the video "Program One: Madonna House"
2. Ask students to form small groups to describe the following impressions from the video:
What is Madonna House and what do we find out about them?
Describe the lifestyle that is lived out at Madonna House.
What did you know after viewing the video that you didn't know before?
Give three reasons why Canadian Catholics should support the work of Madonna House.
3. Option for Take-Home Assignment. Using the internet, find more facts about:
The foundress of Madonna House
Madonna House Publications
Madonna House Field Houses
How Canadian Catholics can support the work of Madonna House