The Quality of Mercy

The story of how one missionary priest is helping to educate the slum kids of Bangkok, Thailand.



The Quality of Mercy



  • Missions Today (the magazine published by the Propagation of the Faith/English Canadian Branch. Online version.


Study Guide


The goal of this program is to introduce students to Bangkok’s slum kids and look at how the Church is supporting them.


1. Show this program The Quality of Mercy

2. Ask students to form small groups to describe the following impressions from the video:

  • Describe the main character presented in this DVD and say what it is he is trying to do for Bangkok’s slum kids.
  • What have we learned about the Catholic Church in its support of Bangkok’s slum kids?
  • What did you know after viewing the DVD that you didn’t know before?
  • Give three reasons why Canadian Catholics should support the work of Catholic missionaries in Thailand.

3. Option for Take-Home Assignment

Via the Internet find more facts about:

  • Fr Joseph Maier’s work in Thailand.
  • What are the key ways the Church is trying to help Bangkok’s slum kids? What can Canadian youth learn from Bangkok’s youth?

In groups, make presentations to the class about any or all of the above.