Welcoming Associates

The Sisters invite lay men and women, Catholic and non-Catholic to join in their ministries and underlying charism and spirituality.



Program Eleven: Welcoming Associates


Sisters of Providence Click Here





Study Guide


The goal of Program Eleven is to illustrate the history of the Sisters’ Associates program and its activities today.


1. Show the video "Program Eleven: Welcoming Associates"

2. Ask students to form small groups to describe the following impressions from the video:

  • Who are the Providence Associates?
  • What is the process of being an Associate?
  • How can Associates contribute to society?
  • Why do the Sisters of Providence need to have Associates?

3. Option for Take-Home Assignment. Using the internet, find more facts about:

  • Missions Statement of Providence Associates
  • Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul
  • Places the Providence Associates live out their charism.
  • How Canadian Catholics can support the work of Sisters of Providence.