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When Things End, Some Things Still Endure

Jesus tells us that yes, ends do come. There comes always a time to tear down and time to build anew, a time to be born and a time to die. But that which is the work of God, that which lies close to the heart of God, endures.

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Complaining, Transformed

If we are nourished by Christ's presence, then we can - even in the face of challenges - remain kind, tender hearted, forgiving and loving as St. Paul says. We can weather these challenging times, taste the good life Christ offers, and share in God's presence at work among us even now.

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Suffering's Way Out

When suffering of any kind comes into our life we can put our faith to work, asking God for the strength to see meaning in our suffering, and trusting that somehow God will see us through, and we too will come to our own resurrection of new life. That is what it means to take up the cross and be a disciple, and if we do that, as Jesus says, we will have life.

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The Ascension

On the feast of the Ascension, we like to imagine Jesus ascending into the clouds and being seated at the right hand of God. We imagine choirs of angels, flowing, robes – all clean, sanitized, holy and powerful images. But if we look into the human heart for Jesus, we see something much different.

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Taking a Knee

When we genuflect to the real presence, we are demonstrating our reverence for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. We are holding dear the incarnation of God in Jesus who became one of us to share our life: a life of hope, dreams, joy, and a life of pain, suffering, injustice, and death.

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The Holy Family

The Holy family is holy, not because they were perfect and always had halos.  They were Holy because they were God’s, according to the writer Jean Allen.  She goes on to say that the Holy Family was consecrated to God, they had moments of belief and moments of doubt, moments of joy and moments of fear, moments of security and moments of insecurity, moments of faith and moments of doubt and questioning.  Just like our families!

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