Justice and Mercy have Embraced

Archbishop Donald Bolen
Archdiocese of Regina:

Have you ever looked at those suffering around you, and the pain of the world, and wondered whether it was better to reach out to those in need nearby, or to work to make the world a better place? Have you ever heard a discussion, maybe even an argument, about whether it was more responsible, more Christian, to give help to the hungry neighbour or to commit yourself to changing unjust structures?

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A Day in the Life

Archbishop Donald Bolen
Archdiocese of Regina:

In Jesus, God has come to search us out, to lavish forgiveness on us, to
speak tenderly to us. Pope Francis gives us a beautiful image in this
regard. He writes, "God meddles in our miseries, he approaches our wounds and heals them with his hands; it was to have hands he became human." This was God's 'first mercy': to come to where we are, to become who we are, to show us God's face.

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Rising Above Indifference

Archbishop Donald Bolen
Archdiocese of Regina:

On our news programs, and in our online accessing of news, we hear a great deal about pain and suffering, about violence and conflict. And many of us only listen in a vague sort of way. There is a steady flow of crises, famines, wars, refugees and refugee camps, people who are trafficked, homeless, living in dire poverty - and all of that has made many of us somewhat immune from really hearing and empathizing with those who are suffering. We hear the stories without feeling any emotional response.

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